Yep I was given the task of 36 hours in Panama. At first I was a little annoyed I would be travelling so far away for such a short amount of time. I was proven wrong and it ends up that you can see a lot of a country in 36 hours that we had there.
We are extremely lucky we have parking meters and/ or machines. Once you got out of customs and waiting for your bag we were greeted by this long line :)
We travelled to Zona Libre- the free zone, where we checked out Body Glove's showroom and got down to business. Here is a photo of me in the wherehouse down there!!! It was massive!

One of my favorite parts of the trip was for sure the Panama Canal. This is seriously one of the coolest things I have ever seen and it was created in 1913. So crazy that almost 100 years ago they could create something so safisticated.

A nice Balboa beer while watching the boats pass through the canal.
I cannot wait to go back and explore Panama. It was such a gorgeous country and there is so much fun stuff to do there. Till next time!!!